Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New book in its last stages. Currently with the copy-editor and after that it goes to page proofs, indexing and then off to the shops. You can see me and Russell Foster talking about Seasons of Life on Youtube http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KVgwm8LGooM&feature=related .

Monday, December 10, 2007

I can't get the hang of this. It takes me so long to find the blog that I end up with a new account and a collection of empty blogs. Somehow I got back to this one and with luck I will now try and keep it going.

Our book on seasonal timing is still not quite finished . We are nearly there and it will be out in 2008, but in which season I am not yet sure.

While writing it, I became very involved with what is known as the month of birth effect. Simply, the timing of the month you are born in can have enormous long term effects on you, including some non-trivial issues, such as how long you live.

The differences can be a matter of a few percentage points in a given variable. Not huge, but enough to provide some traction in developing research strategies.

I will write about this next time

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I had completely forgotten that I had a blog until I tried to create a new one. Shows how lively it is.
The book I talked about before on biological rhyhms , has not only been published, next month it is out in paperback. It has gone well - publication in US; China: Japan; Taiwan and Italy. last year my co-author, Russell Foster and I,spoke at literary festivals in Hay-on-Wye; Edinburgh;Cheltenham; Oxford and between us we have done some Cafe Scientifiques; a chronobiology love-fest at the Dana Centre and Russell gave a major talk at the Royal Institution here in London.

The reviews were pretty good but one by John Tyler Bonner in the Times Literary Supplement sent my self-esteem so high that at the moment of reading I could have died and gone to heaven. Not just a complimentary review by one of the very Grand Old Men of Biology, but the Times Literary Supplement to boot.

Russell and I are now working on the sequel. having done time of day we are now working on time of year and Seasons of Life should be out early in 2007 - and with any luck I may have made a posting by then

Sunday, February 24, 2002

I am Leon Kreitzman.
These days I describe myself as an author on the strength of one published book - The 24 Hour Society.
I am writing another with a neuroscientist professor on biological rhyhms.
So this site will be about biology, time, rhythms and anything else that takes my fancy.